Golf Carimate
The Club house

The Club house

A masterpiece of Italian design

The architects Vico Magistretti and Guido Veneziani leaders in their field were entrusted with the Club House project and completed the building in 1962. The building arranged in several levels follows the natural contours of the terrain with a low environmental impact for a building of this size. The main floor on the upper level houses the bar, lounge and gaming rooms and sliding glass doors open to wide terraces that look onto the course. The well-worn wooden floor tells its own story of the golfers who come to relax after a good game. The prevailing colors indoors and outdoors are white for the walls and red for the windows, according to the classical “Carimate” chairs which are red with straw seats. The Club House has been recently enlarged and modernized by Architect Gregorio Caccia Dominioni following a project of renewal of the whole Club.

Pro Shop

Our Pro Shop run by the “Golf Us” company is situated inside the Golf House opposite the Bag Room, easily reachable. The Pro Shop offers club members and their guests top quality sports clothing of the finest brands. Players visiting the club never miss a visit to the shop and always take a personalized gadget (balls, sweaters, T-shirts and so on) home with them. Call (+39) 031 789958.

The "Clubino"

Our “little club” is open on Competition days to entertain our little guests. Children may stay at our recreation center equipped with various games and in outdoor areas constantly supervised by qualified staff.

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